Monday, February 14, 2011

sometimes i sit and tap my shoe
i type the words and words and words. it's a simple operation, i don't even have to
spell them right (the machine does it for me). sometimes i chew my gum and when that gets boring
i chew my straw, when that gets boring I chew my tongue, when that gets boring i chew my hair, when
that gets boring i go cross-eyed, when that gets boring
i close my eyes and think of
think think of your warm hard softness, and i can feel your hand
tracing up my spine, one vertebrate, two vertebrae,
clavicle, head, shoulders, fingertoes, and that
soft spot on my neck. i check the clock again.
tick tock, body rocks, your straights and all my curves. straight in the suit and a mess
sometimes i sit and tap my shoe.
i wait for you to make me a woman.

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