Thursday, July 5, 2012

this man is amazing

Phoenix Police Officer Jason Schechterle's life changed forever when his patrol car was struck from behind by a taxi going over 100 mph. His car instantly burst into flames, and 50 percent of his body was scorched by the fire.

I can't imagine the reconstruction of faith it must require for someone who is able to go through an experience like this and come out with this perspective. I speak solely from observation, but I think humans can take extreme tragedy in two ways -- they can take it as a grave and bury in it with an extreme, all-questioning exhaustion, or they can take it as a beginning and be reborn from it with a profound new wisdom. Simply continuing your life as before is not an option.

Those two processes are not mutually exclusive. I believe it takes a lot of time and a lot of grief before you get to the point of acceptance of something truly life-changing, and I believe that, once you are there, the fight is not over -- you must constantly restrengthen yourself and realign yourself with what you want out of your altered life. The inner resolve that must take, day in and day out, battling with loved ones, strangers, your faith and yourself, with your own questions and doubts and anxieties, must be exhausting. I can only hope that, should I ever face such an experience, I would possess such fortitude.

Please watch the story of Jason Schechterle and share your thoughts. Like NieNie, whom I have been following for years, he amazes me with his strength.

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